Sun Now! (SDO & Soho)

Realtime solar wind, X-ray and proton flux by DSCOVR@L1 (SWS Australia)

NOAA SWPC, Solar X-ray & proton Flux, Geomagn. act.

3-day ACE Solar Wind Data (NOAA)

Kyoto Dst (WDC)

Equatorial Realtime Dst Values

Geomagnetic Activity, K local for Leirvogur (ICE) and Tromssa (NOR)

Geomagnetic Activity, Canadian Regions (NRC)

Forecast of Geomagnetic Activity, North America (NRCan & CSA)

Geomagnetic Disturbance around Finland (FMI)

Threshold for a potential aurora coverage is 0.3 nT/s
(dot indicator turns to red)

Ionograms for local reference, Tromssa (Norway,TGO) and Sodankylä (Finland, SGO)

13 Jul 2011

Steady as she goes

Travel towards cycle 24 peak continues. A special thanks for SDO/NASA project providing us solar fans some unbelievable views to the surface of a wakening sun. SDO is also kindly offering terrific multimedia services and hence at top of this blog we can enjoy the solar movie of events taking place a couple days back.


ps. the old blog site will be closed within few weeks.