Sun Now! (SDO & Soho)

Realtime solar wind, X-ray and proton flux by DSCOVR@L1 (SWS Australia)

NOAA SWPC, Solar X-ray & proton Flux, Geomagn. act.

3-day ACE Solar Wind Data (NOAA)

Kyoto Dst (WDC)

Equatorial Realtime Dst Values

Geomagnetic Activity, K local for Leirvogur (ICE) and Tromssa (NOR)

Geomagnetic Activity, Canadian Regions (NRC)

Forecast of Geomagnetic Activity, North America (NRCan & CSA)

Geomagnetic Disturbance around Finland (FMI)

Threshold for a potential aurora coverage is 0.3 nT/s
(dot indicator turns to red)

Ionograms for local reference, Tromssa (Norway,TGO) and Sodankylä (Finland, SGO)

18 Sept 2017

Content refresh having latency

It seems that the graphics on this page are not updated in real time but several hours late. The reason is yet unknown and it is not depending on the browser type or cache operation.  Being examined - Now fixed.